Thanks Terry for your arduous research. Since going off the gold standard of the "generation of 1914" this doomesday cult has a real credibility problem at the top of the organisation.
On what demonstrable authority do they seek such control?
The only authority they now have left to them is simply that they have inherited it as leaders of the cult. Oh! How they hate being called leaders but that’s what they plainly are. The whole raison d’être of the organisation was to announce that JC came in 1874. It was this unprovable claim which gave Russell his authority, it was to climax with God removing all his enemies by 1914. This became obsolete as have all subsequent claims for divine pronouncements of their organisation, yet the revisions of ‘truths’ have never stopped the money coming in; the masterstroke in cult organisation! No money no cult. Their forebears had through a century of propaganda and promise of unattainable hope, built up the Watchtower giant of today with millions of gullible followers and billions of Dollars. Any organisation needs directors, theirs is a religious one ...all religions will claim their leadership to be authorised by God and yet all they can say, without any demonstrable authority is, “Obey us.”
It is like a tragic merry-go-round with enough inertia to keep spinning and enough suckers who will listen to the callers at the religious fairground... and be taken for a ride.